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Sunday, 17 April 2011

If's and but's...then.. could've and would've


In life there are so many things that we can do to make living worthwhile. But more often than not, our action plans are hindered by the so-called if's and but's: If I could make it, if I believed, if only I can, if I may, but I don't want to get hurt, but I don't want to get into trouble, but it would be a mess, so many if's, and so many but's.. Why can't we just set our minds to doing exactly what we wanted without really thinking about all these (negative) possibilities? Life can be more fun and exciting if we try dipping into deeper waters! Not to mention every experience we would go through will surely leave us a lesson or two. Or have we forgotten that living our life is actually a learning experience itself?

With all those if's and but's, sometimes follow the could've and would've lines: could've done it, could've been there, would've been happy, would've been lucky, could've won, etc...And in your mind it all boils down to one thing: REGRET(S) And so goes the lines: "Had I done it, I could've been happier", "If only I took the risk, I would've been satisfied." etc.. So why not take risks? After all, life is too short to start with qualms and end up with regrets. Let's be more positive! (And I'll be talking about being positive in my next blog.)

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